This time, I'm supplying the nerdy.
That basic old playstation was the beginning, and Mortal Kombat, Crash Bandicoot, and Rayman were some of the first games my little hands controlled. I'm pretty sure I was kicking ass on these games by the age of four, before I even knew what each of the buttons did.
My green nintendo 64 was also present at some point in my younger years. It seriously had some of the most fun games, and I miss that console way more than any human should. Nerdy as that is, I'm still pretty sure it's understandable. Lots of kids were nintendo kids, if I remember correctly.
Then came the gameboys. I'll never know why my first one was pink, seeing as I was a blue-loving, tree-climbing tomboy of sorts, but I definitely loved it anyways. I remember most of the games because I still have the majority of them, but I can't blog about gameboys without mentioning pokemon. I'd put my newest pokemon game in and just play for hours upon hours. My best pokemon would hit the level seventy mark, then the ninety mark, and finally, the best of the best would hit level one hundred (i.e. badass land).
I got a lot of handhelds after that first one. After my pink gameboy color, I got a gameboy advance, which at the time seemed like such an upgrade (but proved to be otherwise). Then came the SP. It was my first blue gameboy, and it was the first one that had built in lights in the screen. I blame the unlit handhelds for the beginnings of my bad eyesight, by the way.
I'll mention the DS now, too. That beautiful touch-screen was and is the last of my handhelds. New "gameboys" are still being produced, and I'm quite behind nowadays (oh dear, a technology gap). Nevertheless I can honestly say my personal legacy with gameboys, however "short"-lived, was a good one.
PlayStation2. In other words, a whole other world in the galaxy of gaming (could I state than in a lamer way?). I loved that console and still do. My old favorites from PS1 land were once again mine to play, along with Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy. Gaming had never felt so wonderful.
Throughout all of those, computer games were present. I actually played them quite a bit for awhile, but they were never as loved as my other games. At some point, I made the switch to online games with massive communities. Those are better, if you aren't aware.
I'll leave out some random things. No worries, they aren't major games, and I don't even know the technical names for most of them.
And we've made it! The final console in my as-of-now history is the wii. As just about anyone knows, the aspect of motion intertwined with at-home gameplay was a hit. A big hit. The wii was everywhere. Somehow, it also ended up in my living room.
With the wii, I met guitar hero. That could be a story all on its own, but I'll leave that to your imagination (please include humor).
Unfortunately, that's it. I've never been acqauinted with any of the xbox generation. I didn't upgrade to the next playstation.
But alas, I still think my own little history of gaming is worthwhile (at least to me). Enjoy!
Sincerely Cynical,
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