Thursday, May 26, 2011

I'm Currently:

Wanting my second holes in my ears pierced.

Thinking saying "presh" sounds stupid as hell.

Needing MoMo's head sewed back on for my keychain.

Loving that I'm leaving for New England Odyssey Sunday night.

Wishing I could go to Ireland and see castles.

Hoping I find plenty of things to do this summer.

Drinking a Fruit Punch Capri Sun.

Discovering that I can't stand having my hair look the same for long periods of time.

Waiting to see the Hangover 2 at 7:30 pm (Thank God).

Reflecting on seeing lightning strike a building today (it caught on fire!).

Stressing about NEO, material possessions, and who knows what else.

Texting my boyfriend and my best friend.

Considering liking my new hair cut.

Blogging with as many fitting -ing words as I can come up with.

Sincerely Cynical,


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